Comprehensive support for the implementation of the climate project: "Technical re-equipment of the Booster Compressor Station (BCS) at the Nizhne-Shapshinskoye field. Site of autonomous energy sources for consumers of JSC BerezkaGaz Yugra", from the preparation of the climate project to obtaining carbon units.
Provision of comprehensive services to support the implementation of climate projects (hereinafter referred to as CP) from the stage of development of project documentation to the crediting of carbon units (hereinafter referred to as CU) to the account of the Customer's enterprise in the national register of carbon units of JSC Kola MMC (Norilsk Nickel)
An “Inventory of sources of greenhouse gas emissions and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for 2023” was carried out for BerezkaGaz Irtysh LLC.
A climate project description (PDD) has been prepared for Gazprom Neft PJSC in three languages – Russian, English and Chinese. A list of Russian and international validation and verification bodies has been prepared. The necessary instructions have been developed on the process of registering a company in the Russian register of carbon units.
Liquefaction, storage and Loading", "Shipping"), preparation of a report confirming compliance with standards ISO 14064-1:2019, ISO 14067:2018 and GIIGNL MRV & GHG Neutral LNG Framework, and Verification of Yamal LNG GHG Emission and PCF Quantitative Evaluation Report for 2022 by stage in the life cycle: "Production", "Gathering and transportation", "Liquefaction, storage and loading", "Shipping") by applying the international standards ISO 14064 -1:2019
Ecopolis completed verification of the organization's compliance with the requirements for quantification and reporting in the field of greenhouse gas emissions established by ISO 14064-1:2018 (GOST R ISO 14064-1-2021), as well as verification for 2022. GHG statements regarding direct and indirect emissions from PJSC Aeroflot production facilities in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2019 (GOST R ISO 14064-3-2021) (limited level of confidence)
Preparation of recommendations for the implementation of climate management in the Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies (Kaliningrad)
Development of guidelines for the calculation of direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect energy emissions (Scope 2). Development of a GHG emission monitoring system (Scope 1.2). Calculation of other indirect emissions (Scope 3) at the Kaliningrad site of the Sodruzhestvo group of companies.
In accordance with the requirements of ISO 14064-2-2019 GREENHOUSE GASES - Part 2, as well as verification for 2017-2022. statements on greenhouse gases regarding the climate project "Utilization of the ethane-propane fraction of the ZapSibNeftekhim enterprise by burning it in the power boilers of the Tobolsk CHP instead of natural gas" PJSC "SIBUR Holding"
Assessment of climate risks (identification, description, assessment and ranking of climate risks, development of measures to respond to climate risks and opportunities) Karabashmed JSC of the
Russian Copper Company (RCC) Group
Verification of the generated carbon credits of JSC BerezkaGaz for the purpose of selling the Coffeemania chain of Moscow restaurants
Inventory of sources and determination of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, preparation of a report on greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1.2) for 2021 by Karabashmed JSC of the RCC Group.
Development of guidelines for the calculation of direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect energy emissions (Scope 2). Development of a monitoring system for GHG emissions (Scope 1.2) GC "SODRUGESTVO" Kaliningrad.
Comprehensive survey, formation of requirements for projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions implemented for the purposes of the Paris Agreement and national obligations to prevent global climate change by no more than 1.5 ° C at Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC
Analysis and expert evaluation of the calculations of the carbon footprint of the products of Tulachermet JSC using alternative approaches
Calculation of direct (Scope 1) and indirect energy emissions (Scope 2) of greenhouse gases for 2021. and the selected year with the largest number of manufactured products of the EPM Group.
On-site inspection and verification of the monitoring report on the project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions "Utilization of associated petroleum gas of the West Salym and Nizhne-Shapshinskoye fields, Khanty-Mansiysk-Yugorsk Autonomous Okrug, Russia" OJSC "BerezkaGaz".
Calculation of direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) and calculation of indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases (Scope 2) GC "SODRUGESTVO", Kaliningrad.
On-site inspection and verification of the monitoring report on the project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions "Utilization of associated petroleum gas of the Prirazlomnoye field, Khanty-Mansiysk-Yugorsky Autonomous Okrug, Russia" OJSC "BerezkaGaz".
On-site inspection, PDD determination and verification of the monitoring report on greenhouse gas emissions prepared on the basis of ISO 14064: 2 about the project" Utilization of associated petroleum gas of the Kharampur group of fields "in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia, BP-Rosneft
Expert work on the assessment of GHG emissions from mining and subsequent operations (enrichment / classification), inventory / carbon footprint of the largest mining and energy company
Expert work to assess GHG emissions from mining and downstream operations (enrichment/classification), inventory/carbon footprint of one of the world's leading mineral fertilizer producers
On-site inspection, determination and verification of the monitoring report for the project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions "Utilization of associated petroleum gas of the West Salym and Nizhne-Shapshinskoye fields, Khanty-Mansiysk-Yugorsky Autonomous District, Russia", by OJSC "BerezkaGaz"
On-site inspection, determination and verification of the monitoring report for the project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions "Utilization of associated petroleum gas of the Prirazlomnoye field, Khanty-Mansiysk-Yugorsky Autonomous District, Russia", by OJSC "BerezkaGaz"
Determination of a PDD for a ISO 14064 project for the production and utilization of associated gas in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Orenburg field of Gazprom Neft PJSC
Verification of the report on monitoring greenhouse gas emissions for a project for the production and utilization of associated gas from the Orenburg field of Gazprom Neft PJSC
Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, of JSC "Opticom" and also estimate of reduction by specific past measures and potential for further reduction, of JSC AK Yakutskenergo, of JSC Amurenergo for 1990-2002, of JSC Cherepetskaya GRES.
Development of guidelines for inclusion of carbon-related costs into the electricity tariffs and of a intra-group trading system for RAO UES of Russia Holding
Customizing information systems for greenhouse gases (according to IAS GHG) for largest metallurgical companies from the TOP 30, the work also included the management of the carbon footprint, climate risks, climate strategies and overview of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for JSC Tulenergo and for Cherepetskaya GRES
Preparation and support of voluntary emission reduction projects relating to utilization of wood waste at SWISS KRONO LLC (Sharya), utilization of coke oven gas for 2013-2016 for Khimprom LLC (Kemerovo), equivalent to 20,085 tCO2-eq.
Preparation and support of joint implementation (JI) projects related to:
- fuel replacement at Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya CHPP-1
- modernization of Khabarovsk CHPP-1
- modernization of production of JSC Severstal
- partial gas conversion of the Amurskaya CHPP OJSC Far Eastern Generating Company of OJSC "RusHydro"
- construction of a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 410 MW at Nevinomysskaya GRES and modernization of Sredneuralskaya GRES by construction of a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 410 MW by OJSC Enel OGK-5
- monitoring reports and support of their verification for the utilization of associated petroleum gas at the Talakan oil and gas condensate field, RF OJSC "Surgutneftegas"
- partial gas conversion in the Amurskaya CHPP OJSC Far Eastern Generating Company OJSC" RusHydro"
- utilization of associated petroleum gas at the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field, RF
- construction of gas piston power plants for APG utilization at oil fields of OJSC "Surgutneftegas" in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, RF
- construction of gas turbine power plants for utilization of associated petroleum gas at 13 oil fields of OJSC "Surgutneftegas" in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, RF
- construction of the third start-up complex of the Zelenchukskie HPP Cascade in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, for JSC RusHydro
- the conversion of Khabarovskaya CHPP-2 to gas supply for the "Far Eastern Generating Company", owned by JSC "RusHydro"
- the construction of small-scale energy facilities using APG for TNK-BP
- the preparation of a PDD and support of determination for the increase of the installed capacity at the Irganayskaya HPP, for JSC "RusHydro"
- collection and preparation of a complete set of documents for submission to Sberbank for participation in the competitive selection of applications required for registration of projects as a JI for the projects "Modernization of Khabarovsk CHPP-1" and Replacement of fuel at "Yuzhno - Sakhalinskaya CHPP-1" for Gazprom Marketing and Trading Limited"
- calculation of technical and economic parameters and preparation of the creation of a water supply complex management system in the southern zone of St. Petersburg, for "Vodokanal of the city of St. Petersburg"
- reconstruction and technical modernization of the electric steel-making and press-forging production of "OMZ - Spetsstal LLC", as requested by Carbon Trade and Finance SICAR S.A. - Luxembourg (a JV between Gazprombank and Dresnder Bank)
- PDD for the reconstruction of 6 hydraulic turbines of the "Bratsk HPP" of OAO Irkutskenergo
- the construction of a 450-570 MW CCGT unit in Khabarovsk for the export of electricity to China, for OJSC "Eastern Energy Company"
- energy saving measures in "Mytishchi heat networks". Performed for the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation - NEFCO (Finland)
- the use of waste coke oven gas for heating for OOO PO Khimprom, Kemerovo, on behalf of the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation - NEFCO (Finland)
- Construction of two power units CCGT-39 st. No. 3,4 of "Sochinskaya TPP"
- energy saving measures in Mytishchi heat networks, on behalf of Heating Networks in Mytishchi
Planning CDM-Projects under Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol based on
- Modernization of the Cascade of Volzhsky and Kamsky HPPs JSC "RusHydro"
- reconstruction of pipe-rolling production of JSC "Tagmet", Taganrog
- reducing losses in heating networks of settlements of the Tyva Republic
- utilization of associated petroleum gas in the Orenburg region (TNK - BP)
- expanding the existing enterprise. Methanol production with a capacity of 450 thousand tons per year of Shchekinoazot OJSC in accordance with Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol, for OJSC "Shchekinoazot"
- utilization of associated petroleum gas at the Taylakovskoye field of OAO NGK "Slavneft"
- utilization of associated petroleum gas at the Pokamasovskoye, Severo-Ostrovnoye and Yuzhno-Lokosovskoye fields of OAO NGK "Slavneft"
- construction of a 5 MW expander-generator set, reconstruction of 200 MW turbines, introduction of VFD on electric motors of blowing fans and circulating pumps of Konakovskaya GRES OJSC Enel OGK - 5
- injection of pulverized coal fuel into a blast furnace at OJSC" Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant EvrazHolding
- energy saving measures in heating networks of the city Svobodny
- energy-saving technologies at the Kuryanovskaya aeration station of MGP "Mosvodokanal" using biotechnology
- energy-saving technologies in the power supply of sewage treatment facilities in Izhevsk
- production of biogas in digesters and its use at mini-CHP on a number of livestock farms in the Rostov region and Tatarstan
Developed projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- utilization of manure from cow farms with the production of biogas to generate electricity and heat in the Rostov region. Performed under the TACIS program (European Union)
- improvement of district heating systems in the cities of the Rostov region. Performed under the TACIS program (European Union)
- improvement of centralized heat supply systems of OJSC TEPTS "Teploenergo", Taganrog. Performed under the TACIS program (European Union)
- implementation of integrated water treatment plants at water heating boilers of the Rostov region. Performed under the TACIS program (European Union)
- The use of energy-saving street lighting lamps in Rostov-on-Don. Performed under the TACIS program (European Union)by the utilization of waste wooden railway sleepers for heat generation in the Sverdlovsk region. Performed under a TACIS program (European Union)
- by improving of the blast furnace process at the "Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant"
Developed a PDD for the construction of a new air separation unit by a joint venture between Air Liquide and Severstal
Undertaken environmental impact assessments
- investments in the construction of a 450-570 MW CCGT unit in Khabarovsk. Performed for LLC "EnergoFichtner" on behalf of RAO "UES of Russia"
- the construction of 3,600 MW generating and transmission facilities for the supply of 18-20 billion kWh of electricity to China by 2010. Performed for LLC "EnergoFichtner" by order of RAO "UES of Russia"
- of the construction of three power plants with circulating fluidized bed boilers on coal near Moscow in central Russia on a preliminary basis
- of the export of electricity to China, this assessment included the assessment of the consequences of the project for the population. This project was undertaken for EnergoFichtner on behalf of RAO "UES of Russia"
Developed and updated the basis for the informational electronic system of open access "The best available and promising environmental technologies in the energy sector of Russia" for the "Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MEI)" and English translation thereof
Developed the environmental requirements for electric power facilities included into relevant technical regulations and national standards with the development of proposals for their adjustment. Performed for JSC "Energy Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky" commissioned by RAO "UES of Russia"
Developed methodologies for
- carbon components of national standards for green buildings
- a roadmap for carbon reporting in Russia and the development of the components of Corporate and Social reporting in the framework of an UNDP project
- green offices using the example of the Murmansk branch of Sberbank, the main tool, which is a carbon calculator for the needs of the Sberbank office, as requested by the "World Wildlife Fund in Russia" (WWF)
- calculation of technical and economic indicators and preparation of the creation of a water supply complex management system in the southern zone of St. Petersburg, for "Vodokanal of the city of St. Petersburg"
- methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of JI projects, establishing target indicators for the effectiveness of investment projects in the electric power industry and methods for their assessment
- methodologies for managing additional investment potential using the capabilities of the Kyoto Protocol for the implementation of projects to improve energy efficiency and energy saving in housing and communal services (on the example of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region). Performed for the Moscow
Region Housing and Communal Services
Advised on
- analysis and monitoring of the implementation of state policy and the effectiveness of legal regulation in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the electric power industry, in the field of heat supply in terms of heat production in the mode of combined generation of electricity and heat, development of proposals for their
improvement, as well as measures of state support and incentives based on the experience of the European Union countries in identifying and implementing the best available technologies, for the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
- Assessing the viability of investments in the construction of a gas turbine-thermal power plant of the Astrakhan gas processing plant of OOO Gazpromenergo Southern Branch, with a capacity of 120 - 150 MW, through LLC "EnergoFichtner"
- on low-cost energy saving and energy efficiency measures at TGK-6 power plants and determination of the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, for NIEO "Energy Carbon Fund"
- on the factors influencing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions for Carbon Trade and Finance SICAR S.A. – Luxembourg, a subsidiary of Gazprombank
- on options under the Kyoto Protocol in general for Finnish company "Greenstream Network Ltd (GSN)", the specialists of Ecopolis LLC are accredited and approved by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Substantiated the additionality of projects in the contexts of
- a general description of how anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases can be reduced below the level of the emissions that would have occurred in the absence of a JI and formatted design and technical documentation for using the JI mechanism for the construction of modern combined cycle gas plants at Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2
- a project for the modernization of the steel production of the ChTPZ Group, in addition, other aspects of the project were reviewed
- a project for the construction of a heavy-plate mill complex 5000 at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works