
International recognition of Russian greenhouse gas verifiers!

The most crucial problem of the climate policy of the Russian Federation today is the lack of international recognition of Russian greenhouse gas verifiers, which in turn limits the recognition of Russian carbon units and carbon footprints at the international level, with further loss of the competitive advantage of Russian products for export.

Nevertheless, we know the solution!

Verico/Ecopolis, the only ones who offer a unique solution for the Russian market for the verification of greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint, climate projects, etc.), with the issuance of several verification certificates under the quality control of Verico/Ecopolis.
We check international supply chains both through our members in many countries (Verico SCE, https://www.verico.eu/en/verico/team), and through partner organizations. Depending on the needs of our client, we coordinate the work of several national accredited bodies, eligible in major markets such as the EU, China, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Turkey, South and North American countries, Russia. As a result of our work, appropriate consolidated certificates of the necessary verification are issued.

Obtaining double/triple certificates by Russian companies achieves the goal of international recognition of national carbon policy actors, including Russian verifiers, not only on the Russian market, but also on global level. However, the cost of verification will be less, and the service will be performed faster than in case of the Customer had to receive verification from several accredited companies separately.

Ecopolis Certification and Service, as an operator of verification services in the Russian market, invites Companies accredited in accordance with Russian legislation to cooperate in the field of greenhouse gas verification as partners in issuing consolidated certificates.
2022-10-28 23:02