
Our partner Verico SCE (https://verico.eu/en/verico) has received the approval as SURE-EU certification body, meaning that it can certify and verify biofuels for energy according to RED II.

Why is it important: Bioenergy = RES?

In the European Union, support for renewable energy is based on the Directive on promoting the use of energy from Renewable Sources (RED II), which sets sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions saving criteria for biofuels. In other words, the sustainability of the origin and production of biofuels has to be officially confirmed (certified and verified) so that the heat and electricity generated from them could be considered renewable.

SURE-EU (Sustainable Resources Verification Scheme) (https://sure-system.org/en/) - the system of voluntary certification of compliance of biofuels for energy with the criteria of sustainable production with low greenhouse gas emissions according to RED II, officially recognized by the European Commission.

Scheme users:

      •Agricultural Biomass Producers
      •Forest Biomass Producers
      •Waste & Residues Producers
      •Biomass Fuel Producer
      •Trade & Logistics
      •Heat & Electricity Producers

Learn more about Verico and our partnership (https://t.me/ecopolis04/333)
2021-09-03 17:53