
SPbMTSB and Ecopolis LLC entered into a cooperation agreement regarding goods with a low carbon footprint

Ecopolis Certification and Service LLC and the St. Petersburg International Commodity
and Raw Materials Exchange (SPIMEX) signed a cooperation agreement. The purpose
of the agreement is to develop trade in “green” goods with better climate properties.
As part of the cooperation, it is planned to form a system for assessing and verifying the
carbon footprint in accordance with standard, transparent criteria recognized by buyers
and regulatory authorities in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Carbon footprint verification ensures an independent assessment of the climatic
properties of goods using uniform methods, and the dissemination of modern
verification and certification standards.
At SPIMEX in 2023, the Policy for the development of trade in goods with a verified
carbon footprint was approved, and an Expert Council for goods of this type was
formed. Work is underway to prepare industry exchange standards for goods with a
verified carbon footprint.
“Signing an agreement with Ecopolis Certification and Service LLC is a continuation of
our great work to develop the necessary national carbon market infrastructure,” says
Dmitry Chernyshev, vice-president of SPIMEX. – In the developing trend of trading in
low-carbon goods, a system of certification of the carbon footprint of commercial
products recognized by foreign counterparties is of paramount importance. In turn, this
trend will contribute to the monetization of the benefits of “green” products of Russian
companies using the best available technologies. The participation of Ecopolis experts,
as a representative of the well-known foreign certification brand Vericco, in the
development of industry standards for low-carbon products will allow us to establish
clear quantitative criteria for products with the best climatic properties recognized by the
industry business community.”
“We are very pleased, together with SPIMEX, to take part in the formation of a system
for assessing and verifying the carbon footprint of products, developing trade in goods
with a calculated, verified carbon footprint,” said Vyacheslav Vekovtsev, General
Director of Ecopolis Certification and Service LLC. – The key goal of the new climate
doctrine, approved on October 26, 2023, is to achieve carbon neutrality in Russia no
later than 2060. Trade in goods with a calculated and verified carbon footprint of
products according to strict criteria will allow goods from Russian manufacturers to
maintain competitiveness, increase competitive advantage, maintain or find new
markets, and make a significant contribution to the implementation of the climate
strategy to achieve national carbon neutrality. Together with SPIMEX, we will find the
best solutions and incentives for Russian companies to implement low-carbon
development strategies, including through the introduction of low-carbon resource-
saving technologies and increasing business sustainability.”
Ecopolis Certification and Service LLC has been specializing for more than 20 years in
calculating the carbon footprint of products, inventorying sources of greenhouse gas
emissions, calculating climate risks, developing low-carbon development strategies,
implementing climate management, and verifying climate projects (Ekopolis LLC is an
official participant and representative of the international expert network, greenhouse
gas verifier, Verico SCE (https://www.verico.eu/en, also a strategic partner of the Qatar
verifier Petroltecnica Environmental Services (PES) https://petroltecnica.qa/).

St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX) is the largest commodity
exchange in Russia, organizing exchange trading in the markets of petroleum products,
oil, natural gas, LPG, timber and building materials, mineral fertilizers, as well as on the
derivatives market. Over a quarter of the main petroleum products supplied to the
Russian domestic market are traded on the Exchange. SPIMEX is implementing the
task of creating a transparent mechanism for creating fair prices for Russian goods. The
exchange was created in May 2008. The exchange license and the license to carry out
clearing activities are posted on the website. The central office of the Exchange is
located in Moscow.
2024-02-19 11:40